Type and scope

    All tasks for the learning time must arise from the lessons and lead back to them. The time required for the tasks is 30 minutes per day for grades one and two, and 45 minutes for grades three and four. The tasks are usually only assigned in the main subjects (German, mathematics, general knowledge and English). No tasks for the learning time may be assigned on public holidays. There is no homework on Fridays at our school. The exception is tasks that have to be done later. Completion of the tasks is taken into account in the assessment of work behavior.

Tasks/duties of those involved

Teachers... Children... Teachers in homework supervision... Parents...
...set homework that is appropriate to the scope and level of difficulty. Differentiation of homework is possible. ...pay attention to the explanations, ask questions if anything is unclear and write down the homework. ...ensure a quiet workplace and provide assistance when needed. ...provide a quiet workplace and support their children in completing their homework independently ("As little help as possible, as much help as necessary").
...explain the homework and write it down on the board. ...make sure you take all the necessary materials with you. ...check for completeness, but not for correctness of all tasks. Children who work very concentratedly can be excused some of their homework if the allotted time is exceeded. ...ensure that oral homework such as daily reading, mental arithmetic, multiplication tables, gathering information, etc. is carried out.
...give time to write down homework. ...do their homework with concentration, quickly, carefully and independently. ...are in regular contact with the specialist teachers. ...ensure that outstanding tasks are completed.
...regularly check and acknowledge completed homework (stamp: check for completeness and neatness; teacher's abbreviation: check for correctness). ...make up for forgotten homework or homework missed due to illness etc. as soon as possible and show it without being asked.
...provide feedback on forgotten homework.
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